Wednesday 27 August 2014

There's a black hole in my bedroom! (also ice bucket?)

Helloooooo you guys!

My brother was back in school today which is great because I got to sleep in while he had to go to catch our bus at quarter past eight this morning.... victory most certainly is mine.. He has rehearsals for the school play too.. (grease).

I made cupcakes today too, which was pretty awesome. They taste amazing, which isn't unusual, I'm a great chef hehe.

In other news, I think there's a black hole in my bedroom. You see, we went bowling on Monday and I brought about nine euro with me. I came home to a nomination for the ALS ice buckt challenge which I did (ill put the video at the end of th post if I can) and then i took the money from my pocket and put it into my dressing gown pocket. I put it down somewhere in my room, had a shower and didnt think about the money. Then, the morning after I was looking for my money and I couldnt find it anywhere, and I still havent. But to add to that, last night I dropped my tablet behind me bed and I was kinda like 'aw no' but I didn't go and ook for it straight away. Then when I did I couldn't find it wnywhere?

-sigh- I'll find it soon I guess!

Now, to my ice bucket challenge! My mum and brother had decided that they were going to spray the hose on me and i didnt evven know do thats why im running around the garden. 

I hate you all


Sunday 24 August 2014


Hey guys!!

So it's school for two posts in a row, only cause we bought more school stuff yesterday 'cause I'm back on the first. So basically I'm gonna show you some of the things I think are hella important for school.

Number one thing is pens. Pens are super important because if we didn't have pens what would we write with? Pencils aren't good enough because just they aren't because the teachers say so. I use red and black pens, but some people might only be allowed to use blue pens instead of black, I just personally think it looks a lot better with the black. We bought a pack of four black pens, four blue pens and two red pens for less than two euro in Tesco which was pretty great.

my brother gave me his red pens because he doesn't need them

What's the point in having pens if you don't have anything to write in? I got these bright ass hardback copies in the stationary shop and they were three for five euro which isn't too bad.

There was also a pink one but I don't really like pink.

Obviously, if you want to pass maths you need a calculator. In my school you need to use a Casio one (insert Mindless Self Indulgence song here). 

Something that really sucks about these calculators is that you can't write with them. I know, I know, you cant write with calculators, I know that, but what I mean is that you cant type in 0.7734 to say hello 

sad face ):

Something vital in my school is your swipe card, which is to sign into school. Basically you scan it in so the receptionists know who is absent and who isn't and basically if you don't swipe in you're dead.
Yay for weird 11 year old Caoimhe!!

And finally to put it all into your schoolbag! This is my schoolbag..

is what i'd like to say. But it isnt my schoolbag, it's just way too small. Instead I have this bad boy

which is like a standard schoolbag. Sturdy and stuff mhmmm.

And that's everything that I got for school the other day. Except for my books, now that's a whole other story.

But anywayss.. When are you guys back to school? If you're already back, how has it been going so far?
See you all on Wednesday!


Caoimhe who can't do those squiggly things??

Wednesday 20 August 2014

I'm Scared.. And Excited.

So it's August. That means it's that scary month before school starts where you're in a rush to get your uniform, book, and any other school supplies.Well, that's how its always been in my house. I start school in two weeks and I still need my maths book, CSPE books and history workbook. There's probably even more but I just couldn't care for school now, I'm trying to leech out as much more summer as I can before thinking about going back to that dump. I mean, it's not a dump but it kind of is. My uncle once called my school a glorified shed. He wasn't too far off, I guess

I'm going into 2nd Year which is the equivalent of Year 8 in the UK, or more simply just the second year of secondary school. It's the first year where the classes are divided by level. I mean, they are in First Year too but it's all a common level. This year Irish, English and maths have books for the different level, Higher and Ordinary (Honors and Pass if you're old fashioned) and I'm in Higher level everything. I'm not even that good, I just happened to get a really freaking easy test for /everything/ and I got an A in Irish which is surprising.

And to top it all off Bus Eireann(bus service in Ireland) messed up big time and we don't have our bus tickets yet, and basically I'm worried that we won't get them in time hahahahahahhahahahahahaha crap.

That's a nice big block of text isn't it.

'Maximum The Harmone'. Nice one.

Have a nice day guys!!!! *peace emoji* ♥♥♥


Wednesday 13 August 2014

So... Much... Anime...

Hellooooo you guys!!!!!!
(there is no guys but oh well i need to start somewhere)

So I'm back to school in two weeks,  holy crap.. What do you do when you're trying to deny the fact that you're back to school in little over 14 days? That's right. you watch anime. Lots and lots of anime.

The other day my brother told me that he found Sword Art Online (my faavorite anime) on Netflix so naturally I checked and holy crap it was there.. along with Ouran High School Host Club and Death Note.. my other favorite anime's so i have basically re-watched all of those which is a LOT.

Also I've started watching Black Butler which is freaking UH-MAZE-ING. seriously I feel like I could marry Sebastian right now. (I'm only on episode like 17 so no spoilers pleaseee) even though he is a demon who is gonna eat Ciels soul (but the wiki says that iel is still alive soooo maybe it doesn't happen??? i have no idea)

nice short post because i have nothing else to say



Saturday 9 August 2014

My Favorite Apps and Games! (PC&Android)

Hey guys!

So I guess this is my first proper blog post.. I don't really remember how to do this anymore, its been so long haha! 

I've decided to post about my favorite games and apps

(applications for you posh folk).
In no particular order...

1. Audiosurf

This is a PC game that costs €10 on Steam. I don't know about pounds or dollars but I guess it would probably be the same, I'm not sure. 

The opening menu.
It's pretty fun. I think the tagline 'Ride Your Music' is pretty self explanatory. Basically you play as a character and you have to hit colored things and you cant hit grays and yup its confusing haha. But I still love it and yes.

Rating; 7/10 (mainly because it's too difficult for me)

2. SAO Launcher

This is an app for Android (it might be available on IOS but I'm not 100% sure). It's nothing complicated, it's basically like the Menu in Sword Art Online but on your phone or tablet!
It's a little small because it was made for phones but who cares!

Probably one of my favorite apps because it's SAO which is basically my life!

Rating; 9/10. (Just for the whole SAO feel.)

3. Minecraft

Who hasnt heard of Minecraft? It's probably one of my favorite things to pass the time when I have no wifi. For those of you who don't know it's basically like hardcore Lego where you build things out of blocks, but it's obviously a little more complex that that.

Hey look, blogception!
It's a really simple game but for some reason I keep on losing where my house is. 

I have to keep my view distance low because my computer is reeallyyy slow. It can barely handle a small amount of games.
Rating; 8/10. (Great game but from my experience is really slow)

I think that's actually it. I don't have a lot of apps on my tablet apart from say, Insta, Youtube, Picsart etc. but I might do another one of these sometime soon


Doki-Doki Morning

I'll be back soon!


Friday 8 August 2014

New everything!

Hey guys!!!

So I'm Caoimhe (Aerius to you c;) and this is my new revamped blog thing that I need to change because it looks like crap.

I live in Ireland and I'm 13. Ill probably tell you more soom but thats all you need right now (:

I also have an art blog (with no art on it yet, i jsut restarted everything on it) ad you can click HERE to follow it c:

There will definitely be more soon, bye you guys
